The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is a 192-beam laser facility for high-energy density physics experiments. NIF is operated by the Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS), which is comprised of 60,000 devices deployed on 850 computers. Software is constructed from an object-oriented framework based on CORBA distribution. ICCS is 85% complete, with over 1.5 million lines of verified code now deployed online. Success of this large-scale project was keyed to early adoption of rigorous software engineering practices, including architecture, code design, configuration management, product integration, and formal verification testing. Verification testing is performed in a dedicated test facility following developer integration. These processes are augmented by an overarching quality assurance program featuring assessment of quality metrics and corrective actions. Engineering processes are formally documented, and releases are managed by a change control board. This talk discusses software engineering and results obtained for the NIF control system.