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RPPA20 |
A Fast Orbit Feedback for the ELETTRA Storage Ring
558 |
- D. Bulfone, V. Forchi', G. Gaio, L. Pivetta, M. Lonza
ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
A fast global orbit feedback using digital Beam Position Monitor (BPM) detectors has been installed and commissioned at Elettra. The system uses 96 BPMs and 82 steerer magnets to correct closed orbit errors at a 10-kHz repetition rate. The feedback processing is performed by twelve VME stations equipped with commercial CPU boards running the Linux operating system with real-time extension and connected to each other by a low-latency fiber optic network. The system is fully controlled by a Tango based control system. A number of diagnostic and visualization software tools have been developed to easily operate the feedback and detect anomalous sources of orbit distortion. The operational experience and the achieved results are presented. Plans for further improvements of orbit stability are also discussed.
FOPA01 |
Future of Tango
723 |
- A. Buteau, N. L. Leclercq, M. O. Ounsy
SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
- J. M. Chaize, J. M. Meyer, F. Poncet, E. T. Taurel, P. V. Verdier, A. Gotz
ESRF, Grenoble
- D. Fernandez-Carreiras, J. Klora
ALBA, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
- T. Kracht
DESY, Hamburg
- M. Lonza, C. Scafuri
ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
Tango is a control system based on the device server concept. It is currently being actively developed by 4 (soon 5) institutes, 3 of which are new institutes. In October 2006 the Tango community met in the French Alps to discuss the future evolution of Tango. This paper summarizes the fruits of this meeting. It presents the different areas Tango will concentrate on for the next 5 years. Some of the main topics concern services, beamline control, embedded systems on FPGA, 64-bit support, scalability for large systems, faster boot performance, enhanced Python and Java support for servers, more model-driven development, and integrated workbench-like applications. The aim is to keep on adding batteries to Tango so that it remains a modern, powerful control system that satisfies not only the needs of light-source facilities but other communities too.