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TPPA14 |
Scope-Embedded IOC Development in SSRF
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- Y. Z. Chen, Z. C. Chen, D. K. Liu, W. M. Zhou, Y. B. Leng
SINAP, Shanghai
The dozen of wide-band beam diagnostics sensors such as integration current transformer, faraday cup, and wall current monitors were used in SSRF(Shanghai Synchrtron Radiation Facility) Linac and transport line to measure bunch shape and charge. Few hundreds MHz bandwidth required very high speed digitizer like digital sampling scope. On the other hand SSRF control system was built on EPICS platform. So Windows PC based Tektronics scope, which equipped with TekVISA interface, Shared Memory IOCcore EPICS interface, and Labview application was chosen to do this data acquisition. The details of software design and the performance evaluation results for TDS7104 and DPO7054 will be described in this paper.
TPPB20 |
SSRF Beam Instrumentations System
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- J. Chen, Y. Z. Chen, Z. C. Chen, D. K. Liu, K. R. Ye, C. X. Yin, J. Yu, L. Y. Yu, R. Yuan, G. B. Zhao, W. M. Zhou, Y. Zou, Y. B. Leng
SINAP, Shanghai
SSRF is equipped with various beam instrumentations, in which the Linac part has been working well since the start of the commissioning this year, and the booster and storage ring parts are still under implementation and commissioning. The commercial products were adopted to build this system as much as possible. The all-in-one electron beam position monitor processor, Libera, was used for whole facility to provide single-pass, first-turn, turn-by-turn, COD, and fast application beam position data. The Bergoz NPCT175 parametric current transformers were used for DC current measurement in the booster and storage ring. The various optical beam diagnostic systems, such as synchrotron radiation interferometers for precise beam-size measurement, the fast gated camera, and the bunch length monitor will be equipped in the dedicated diagnostics beam line. Data acquisition for beam instrumentation system should be a part of control system, developed on an EPICS platform. There are three kinds of Input Output Controllers (IOCs) used in diagnostics: VxWorks-based VME IOCs, Linux-based Libera IOCs, and Windows-based PC IOCs.