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MOPA02 |
LHC@FNAL A New Remote Operations Center at Fermilab
23 |
- W. F. Badgett, K. B. Biery, E. G. Gottschalk, S. R. Gysin, M. O. Kaletka, M. J. Lamm, K. M. Maeshima, P. M. McBride, E. S. McCrory, J. F. Patrick, A. J. Slaughter, A. L. Stone, A. V. Tollestrup, E. R. Harms
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
- Hadley, Nicholas J. Hadley, S. K. Kunori
UMD, College Park, Maryland
- M. Lamont
CERN, Geneva
Commissioning the LHC accelerator and experiments will be a vital part of the worldwide high-energy physics program beginning in 2007. A remote operations center, LHC@FNAL, has been built at Fermilab to make it easier for accelerator scientists and experimentalists working in North America to help commission and participate in operations of the LHC and experiments. We report on the evolution of this center from concept through construction and early use. We also present details of its controls system, management, and expected future use.
WOPA03 |
LHC Software Architecture [LSA] Evolution Toward LHC Beam Commissioning
307 |
- S. Deghaye, M. Lamont, L. Mestre, M. Misiowiec, W. Sliwinski, G. Kruk
CERN, Geneva
The LHC Software Architecture (LSA) project will provide homogenous application software to operate the Super Proton Synchrotron accelerator (SPS), its transfer lines, and the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). It has been already successfully used in 2005 and 2006 to operate the Low Energy Ion Ring accelerator (LEIR), SPS and LHC transfer lines, replacing the existing old software. This paper presents an overview of the architecture, the status of current development and future plans. The system is entirely written in Java and it is using the Spring Framework, an open-source lightweight container for Java platform, taking advantage of dependency injection (DI), aspect oriented programming (AOP) and provided services like transactions or remote access. Additionally, all LSA applications can run in 2-tier mode as well as in 3-tier mode; thus the system joins benefits of 3-tier architecture with ease of development and testability of 2-tier applications. Today, the architecture of the system is very stable. Nevertheless, there are still several areas where the current domain model needs to be extended in order to satisfy requirements of LHC operation.