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Kriznar, I.

Paper Title Page
TPPA23 The ACOP Family of Beans: A Framework Independent Approach 138
  • P. K. Bartkiewicz, P. Duval, H. G. Wu
    DESY, Hamburg
  • I. Kriznar, J. Bobnar
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  The current ACOP (Advanced Component Oriented Programming)* controls set has now been expanded to include a wide variety of graphical java beans, which simultaneously act as displayers of control system data. Besides the original ACOP Chart, the set of ACOP beans also includes a Label, Slider, Table, Gauge, Wheel, and image control, along with an invisible Transport bean, which is itself embedded in the ACOP GUI beans. The new ACOP beans all offer design-time browsing of the control system to expedite data end-point selection. Optionally a developer can choose to connect and render the incoming data automatically, obviating the need for writing code. The developer can either forgo this option or choose to override the generated code with his own, allowing for rich client development. At the same time a user can browse and add or change the control system endpoints at run-time. If the application is using the Component Object Manager (COMA)** then all visual aspects of the application can be edited at run-time, allowing for simple client development. This scenario is independent of a framework, and the developer is free to choose the IDE of choice.

* http://acop.desy.de** "The Run-Time Customization of Java Rich Clients with the COMA Class," P. Bartkiewicz, et al., these proceedings.

TPPA24 Beyond Abeans 141
  • J. Bobnar, I. Kriznar
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  • M. R. Clausen, P. Duval, H. G. Wu
    DESY, Hamburg
  • G. Froehlich
    GSI, Darmstadt
  Java Abeans libraries were successfully started in 1999 as part of ANKA control system. The goal was to provide a universal solution for building high level control system applications in Java for any control system. The arrival of Java 1.5 in 2005 was an excellent opportunity to review Abeans and CosyBeans (GUI components and widgets part of Abeans). Cosylab has put experience and new features of Java 1.5 into new projects which superseded what has been done so far by Cosylab. The key element for success of the projects is the collaboration between different laboratories. The CosyBeans components have found their usefulness as a base for development of ACOP GUI components for TINE at DESY. Similarly Abeans' non-visual libraries were replaced by DAL (Data Access Library) and CSS (Control System Studio) projects developed in collaboration with DESY. DAL was also successfully used at GSI, Darmstadt, to model device layer on top of middle-ware CORBA layer. New Java applications were build with DAL and renewed CosyBeans components and are already used in commissioning of new beamline at GSI.  
WPPB18 Customizable Motion Control Solution Supporting Large Distances 436
  • R. Baer, G. Froehlich, K. Herlo, U. Krause, M. Schwickert
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • J. Bobnar, I. Kriznar, J. Dedic
    Cosylab, Ljubljana
  Motion control solutions for controlling a movement of motorized mechanical subsystems for accelerators, telescopes or similar spatially distributed systems require high degree of flexibility regarding the use and connectivity. One platform should fit different applications and provide cost effective solutions. A connection to the control system (CS) is required on one side, while on the other side a connection to a variety of motors, position encoders and other feedback devices must be provided. In case of more complex mechanics, an advanced kinematics control is essential to provide features such as motion tuning, interpolation and controlled acceleration. An embedded computer is used for SW-flexibility and CS-support. Motion control capabilities are provided by separate HW; programmable multi axis controller. Signal adaptation for a direct connection of the equipment is managed by an interface board. Easy installation and debugging is provided by low-level local control; front panel switches and indicators, RS232 or direct keyboard and monitor access. An advanced approach is required in case of a larger distance between the motor controller and the motors with position encoders.