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WPPA18 |
A Virtualization of Operator Consoles on Beamline Control System
353 |
- T. Fukui
RIKEN Spring-8, Hyogo
- M. Ishii, M. K. Kodera, M. T. Takeuchi, T. Ohata
JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
We introduced the virtualization technology to more than 50 workstations in SPring-8 beamlines to reduce into 8 servers. The virtualization technology is a hot topic for server computing. It enables to consolidate a lot of computers to a few host computers. We presented the experiment of introduction of the virtualization technology at previous ICALEPCS conference. In SPring-8, about 50 beamlines are in operation. Each beamline had one workstation for an operator console to avoid interference from other beamline operation. The virtualization technology reduces hardware and maintenance costs while ensuring independency of a computing environment in each beamline. This paper describes the process and the result of the migration to the virtualization environment. In addition, we show changes of a topological network configuration for the virtualization environment.