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TPPB11 |
Status of Control System for RIKEN RI-Beam Factory
187 |
- M. K. Fujimaki, M. Kase, M. Komiyama
- A. Uchiyama
SHI Accelerator Service ltd., Tokyo
The control system of the RIKEN RI-Beam Factory (RIBF) is based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). To control magnet power supplies of cyclotrons and their beam transport lines, we are using VME and CAMAC as I/O Controllers (IOCs) depending on a kind of their interface boards. To control beam-diagnostic equipment and vacuum systems, small single-board computers mounted with Linux are used as IOCs. Other devices of cyclotrons like RF are controlled by PCs, which are independent systems from EPICS. These details will be reported. Furthermore, we will report about the RIBF beam interlock system using Melsec PLCs. We started beam commissioning of RIBF in July 2006 and succeeded in extracting uranium beam from the Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (SRC), which is the last of the multi-stage accelerators of the RIBF, on March 23, 2007.
WPPA09 |
Development of Embedded System for Running EPICS IOC by Using Linux and a Single Board Computer
334 |
- M. Kase, M. Komiyama
- A. Uchiyama
SHI Accelerator Service ltd., Tokyo
We constructed a control system based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) for the RIKEN RI-beam Factory (RIBF) project. Nowadays, the PC-based EPICS Input Output Controller (IOC) is used in many laboratories because it is available for use on the Linux x86 platform since EPICS was upgraded to version R3.14. If the number of PC-based IOC increases, the probability of trouble rises dramatically. Consequently, it is difficult to supply reliable hardware. Furthermore, if a lot of desktop PCs are used for running IOC only, it is very hard to maintain it. The purpose of this development is to give the high durability system for running IOC computer and the ability for all accelerator operators to maintain it easily. We expect we can solve the problems described above using a diskless and fanless embedded single board computer (SBC) for running IOC and managing IOC in the fileserver collectively. For this reason, we developed a compact and simple Linux distribution specialized for running IOC and introduced IOC, which is installed in the SBC, into RIBF control system. In our contribution, we report this system and present the status in detail.