- P. Adzic, P. Milenovic, P. Milenovic
VINCA, Belgrade
- A. B. Brett, G. Dissertori, G. Leshev, T. Punz
ETH, Zürich
- D. Di Calafiori
UERJ, Rio de Janeiro
- R. Gomez-Reino, R. Ofierzynski
CERN, Geneva
- A. Inyakin, S. Zelepoukine
IHEP Protvino, Protvino, Moscow Region
- D. Jovanovic, J. Puzovic
Faculty of Physics, Belgrade
The successful achievement of many physics goals of the CMS experiment required the design of an electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) with an excellent energy and angular resolution. The choice of the scintillating crystals, photodetectors, and front-end readout electronics of the ECAL has been made according to these criteria. However, certain characteristics of the chosen components imposed challenging constraints on the design of the ECAL, such as the need for rigorous temperature and high voltage stability. For this reason an ECAL Detector Control System (DCS) had to be carefully designed. In this presentation we describe the main DCS design objectives, the detailed specifications, and the final layout of the system. Emphasis is put on the system implementation and its specifc hardware and software solutions. The latest results from final system prototype tests in the 2006 ECAL test-beam program, as well as the system installation and commissioning at the CMS experimental construction site, are also discussed.