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WPPA13 |
Upgrade of Corrector Power Supplies for Pohang Light Source
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- J. Choi, K. M. Ha, J. Y. Huang, S.-H. Jeong, H.-S. Kang, S.-C. Kim, J.-H. Suh, I. S. Ko
PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk
There are 70 vertical and 70 horizontal correctors for Pohang Light Source. Until 2003, power supplies for these correctors were based on 1980s technology, so the global orbit feedback system was not possible with poor 12-bit resolution. In 2003, a task force team was assembled to develop new power supplies with BESSY type ADC cards. By Summer 2004, two vertical correctors in each lattice were connected with new power supplies, and the global orbit feedback was available within the accuracy of 5 microns. However, this replacement was not enough to satisfy the beam stability requirement of 2 microns for PLS. We have launched another power supply design based on all digital technology. This attempt was completed within a year, and 80 units were assembled in house. Currently, the global orbit feedback system is running successfully with new digital power supplies and the compensation of chamber motion due to the thermal load by using digital displacement transducers attached on each BPMs.