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WPPA24 |
EPICS CA Enhancements for LANSCE Timed and Flavored Data
365 |
- J. O. Hill
LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
Currently the subscription update event queue in the EPICS server is capable of carrying event payloads consisting always of the channels value, time stamp, and alarm state. The complexity of the LANSCE macro pulse beam gates requires unique capabilities within the LANSCE control system - which is currently only partly based on an EPICS core. Upgrade designs specify a 100% EPICS based system, but this has evolved new requirements for enhanced capabilities within EPICS. Specifically, EPICS Channel Access (CA) clients need to dynamically specify the LANSCE macro pulse beam gate combinatorial (LANSCE Flavored Data), and the timing offsets (LANSCE Timed Data), to be viewed when they subscribe. EPICS upgrades in progress fulfilling these requirements, including generic software interfaces accommodating site specific event queue payloads and client specified subscription update filters, will be described.
FOPA02 |
EPICS Future Plans
728 |
- L. R. Dalesio
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
- J. O. Hill
LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- K.-U. Kasemir
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- T. Korhonen
PSI, Villigen
- M. R. Kraimer
ANL, Argonne, Illinois
- M. R. Clausen
DESY, Hamburg
Over the last two decades EPICS has evolved from a basic set of control applications created for the Ground Test Accelerator to a rich and reliable control system framework installed in more than 120 locations worldwide. The continuous development of EPICS is supported by the worldwide collaboration and coordinated by a set of major laboratories. This procedure ensures continuous quality checking and thus leads to stable production versions. The clear separation of the robust core software on the Input Output Controllers (IOCs) from the channel access protocol and the applications running on workstations and servers allows nearly independent software developments on all three levels. This paper will describe the new developments on the IOC side, which will increase the robustness by adding redundancy or will improve the management and the functionality. This includes the vision of a new Java-based IOC. The support for new data types will bring more flexibility to the channel access protocol. New developments on the application side are clearly indicating that Java and Eclipse (e.g., Control System Studio CSS, XAL and others) will form the basis for many future applications.