Paper | Title | Page |
TPPB30 | How to Use a SCADA for High-Level Application Development on a Large-Scale Basis in a Scientific Environment | 226 |
For high-level applications development, SOLEIL adopted GlobalSCREEN, a professional Java SCADA, developed by the ORDINAL company*. This environment enables end users to quickly build user-friendly GUIs without writing any Java code and by drag-dropping reusable graphical components developed by the software control team. These components are made up on top of the ATK** library, which provides a rich set of graphical widgets, including scientific data visualization tools, and already encapsulating communication with the Tango software bus. This way, SOLEIL can allow its users to lay out their supervisory applications with a homogenous look and feel and benefit (as they are natively provided by GlobalSCREEN) from functionalities such as access right management, web access, and remote administration at a minimal development cost. An original organization has been set up to deal with this collaborative work between pure software developers and occasional supervision applications developers. The work organization, the software architecture, and the design of the whole system will be presented, as well as the current status of deployment at SOLEIL for accelerators and for beamlines.
*** Application Tango Toolkit |