- D. Arranger, P. De Antoni, G. A. Durand, D. Eppelle, A. Goetschy, Y. Lussignol, P. Mattei, F. Gougnaud
CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette
The James Web Space Telescope (JWST) is the successor of Hubble in the infrared. Our division, Dapnia, is in charge of the design and completion of the optomechanical part of the imager called MIRIM, one instrument of JWST, and of its test bench called the Ground Support Equipment (GSE). This GSE consists of a warm telescope simulator, of a model (identical to the flight model) of the imager, of a cryostat to cool the imager down to its operating temperature, and of an infrared detector (1024x1024 pixels). The telescope simulator is composed of several optical components to control (hexapod, 8 motors table, etc.). The major part of the hardware architecture for the control of the IR detector and the telescope simulator is based on PCs and COTS boards. This paper describes the software development and its specificities. ESO software (IRACE and BOB) and EPICS are associated to complete the operator interface. The cryostat control is our homemade supervision system for cryogenics systems based on PLCs, on the WorldFIP Fieldbus network, and on an industrial XPe PC. The tests of the different subsystems have started, and the whole test bench will be operational in summer 2007.