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WPPA17 |
Spectra Acquisition System for the LNL ECR Ion Source
350 |
- A. Galatà, E. Sattin, S. Canella
INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova
Since beginning 2006 the LNL ECR ion source on a 350-kV high-voltage platform must to supply reliable and stable beams for the operation of a linear accelerators complex: the superconducting PIAVE injector and the superconducting linear accelerator ALPI. At the end of 2006 a new spectra acquisition system was put into operation for the ECRIS setup and beam periodic checks. The previously used spectra acquisition system was running only on a local scope on the high-voltage platform while the new system was required to work both on the local and on the remote control computer in the console room. To achieve this goal a set of new devices had to be integrated in the standard remote control system. New software modules had also to be developed and integrated in the existent and working control system. An important goal of this upgrade was to assembly a tool that may be easily installed, used and maintained on different computer platforms (Linux and Windows PCs) and that may cope with future changes in the hardware devices to be used for spectra acquisition. Here a survey of this new facility is given.