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MOPB02 |
XAL Status
34 |
- C. K. Allen, S. M. Cousineau, J. Galambos, J. A. Holmes, A. P. Shishlo, Y. Zhang, A. P. Zhukov, T. A. Pelaia
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- P. Chu
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
XAL is a Java framework for developing accelerator physics applications for the commissioning and operation of the Spallation Neutron Source. It was designed to be extensible and has evolved to support ongoing accelerator operations. In particular, the on-line model and applications have been extended to support the Ring. Core XAL design features eased the extension from Linac to Ring support and in some cases made it transparent. We discuss the recent advances and future directions in XAL and the current efforts to open the project to broader collaboration.
RPPB23 |
SCORE A Save, Compare, and Restore Application for Snapshotting Machine Settings
656 |
- J. G. Patton, T. A. Pelaia, J. Galambos
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
SCORE is an application used to snapshot machine settings. Features include sorting by systems and subsystems, comparing live values with saved values, and database storage of the information. The compare feature is useful for diagnosing problems, and the restore feature is useful in recovering good beam tune. Features of the application and performance experience with respect to data base retrieval and live comparison will be discussed.