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TPPB31 |
Status of the SOLEIL Control System
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- B. Gagey, N. L. Leclercq, M. O. Ounsy, A. Buteau
SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
The SOLEIL synchrotron light source is based on a 2.75 GeV electron storage ring that was commissioned in 2006 at Saint Aubin, France. The first 10 beamlines are currently commissioned, and regular user operation is planned for summer 2007. SOLEIL is also the first 100% TANGO-controlled facility. Originally developed at the ESRF, the object-oriented TANGO Control Framework is now the core component of a close collaboration between four synchrotron facilities: ESRF, SOLEIL, ELETTRA, and ALBA. The SOLEIL control system is an example of the TANGO capability of federating heterogeneous off-the-shelf technologies into a coherent whole on the basis of a single concept: the device. The aim of the presentation is to provide an overview of the Service-Oriented Architecture, which is now routinely used for the control of both the SOLEIL accelerators and beamlines. The ubiquity of the TANGO services will be illustrated on both server and client sides of the control system architecture. The main software subsystems will be presented. We will conclude with a feedback report by presenting some figures and statistics about the control system's stability after its first year of operation.
WPPB06 |
Synchronization System of Synchrotron SOLEIL
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- P. Betinelli, L. Cassinari, J.-M. Filhol, B. Gagey, F. Langlois, A. Loulergue, J. P. Ricaud
SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette
To bring electrons from the LINAC to the storage ring, much equipment must be triggered synchronously to the beam. The timing system provides the time base needed for this purpose. More than a simple clocks distribution system, it is a real network, broadcasting clocks and data all over the synchrotron. Data are used to send events to equipment: for example, injection of electrons inside the booster, extraction of electrons from the booster to the storage ring, or even triggering diagnostic equipment. The timing system is made up of a standalone CENTRAL system and several cPCI LOCAL boards. The CENTRAL system provides clocks and data and broadcasts them to the LOCAL boards through an optical fiber network. LOCAL boards are placed close to the equipment, and they provide delayed signals to trigger them. These delays can be precisely adjusted by the user, making the equipment synchronous with the electron beam. After a brief explanation of our needs, the presentation describes the timing systems (architecture, performance, etc.) used at SOLEIL. It also describes the results after a year of use: the good, the bad, and the truth (well, maybe).