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Fisher, J. M.

Paper Title Page
TPPA26 User Interface Framework for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) 146
  • G. A. Bowers, R. W. Carey, S. A. Daveler, K. B. Herndon Ford, J. C. Ho, L. J. Lagin, C. J. Lambert, J. Mauvais, E. A. Stout, S. L. West, J. M. Fisher
    LLNL, Livermore, California
  A user interface (UI) framework supports the development of graphical operator controls for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS). The framework simplifies UI coding and ensures consistency for system operators across all NIF subsystems. A comprehensive, layered collection of UIs provides interaction with service-level frameworks, shot automation, and subsystem-specific devices. All user interfaces are written in Java and employ CORBA to interface to other ICCS components. Developers use the framework to compose two major types of user interfaces for broad-views and control panels. Broad-views provide a visual representation of NIF beamlines through interactive schematic drawings. Control panels present status and control at the device level. The UI framework provides a suite of display components that standardize user interaction through data entry behaviors, common connection and threading mechanisms, and a common appearance. With these components, developers can address pattern usability issues in the facility when needed. The UI framework helps developers create consistent and easy-to-understand user interfaces for NIF operators.  
RPPA14 Java Tool Framework for Automation of Hardware Commissioning and Maintenance Procedures 547
  • J. M. Fisher, J. B. Gordon, L. J. Lagin, S. L. West, J. C. Ho
    LLNL, Livermore, California
  The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is a 192-beam laser system designed to study high energy density physics. Each beam line contains a variety of line replaceable units (LRUs) that include optics, stepping motors, sensors and other devices to control and diagnose the laser. During commissioning or subsequent maintenance of the laser, LRUs undergo a qualification process using the Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS) to verify and calibrate the equipment. The commissioning processes are both repetitive and tedious using remote manual computer controls, making them ideal candidates for software automation. Maintenance and Commissioning Tool (MCT) software was developed to improve the efficiency of the qualification process. The tools are implemented in Java, leveraging ICCS services and CORBA to communicate with the control devices. The framework provides easy-to-use mechanisms for handling configuration data, task execution, task progress reporting, and generation of commissioning test reports. The tool framework design and application examples will be discussed.