We describe two projects currently underway at National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS). The first is an inexpensive yet high-performance image acquisition system utilizing a low-cost firewire camera, a PMC firewire interface board, EPICS and the in-house written RTEMS-mvme5500 Board Support Package. The BSP, EPICS/RTEMS software and firewire drivers demonstrate a high throughput of image display for the 1024x768x8bit mode of 30 frames per second (fps) of data transfer, while triggering EPICS display at 30 Hz simultaneously. The second is the readout system for the LCLS X-ray Active Matrix Pixel Sensor (XAMPS) detector. The specification of the detector readout requires a 1024x1024x14bit image to be stored to disk at 120 Hz, an average data rate of 252 Mega Bytes/sec. A faster SBC was chosen to be interfaced with a FPGA based PMC card and Fiber Channel storage system. This cost-effective prototype will function efficiently and reliably as a data acquisition system for the implementation of the XAMPS detector developed at the NSLS. Modern software and the use of commercial hardware technology has cut our cost of both systems, and delivered excellent performance.