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WPPB30 |
Cybersecurity and User Accountability in the C-AD Control System
457 |
- S. Binello, T. D'Ottavio, R. A. Katz, J. Morris
BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
A heightened awareness of cybersecurity has led to a review of the procedures that ensure user accountability for actions performed on the computers of the Collider-Accelerator Department (C-AD)Control System. Control system consoles are shared by multiple users in control rooms throughout the C-AD complex. A significant challenge has been the establishment of procedures that securely control and monitor access to these shared consoles without impeding accelerator operations. This paper provides an overview of C-AD cybersecurity strategies with an emphasis on recent enhancements in user authentication and tracking methods.
RPPB22 |
Tracking Accelerator Settings
653 |
- W. Fu, D. P. Ottavio, T. D'Ottavio
BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
Recording setting changes within an accelerator facility provides information that can be used to answer questions about when, why, and how changes were made to some accelerator system. This can be very useful during normal operations, but can also aid with security concerns and in detecting unusual software behavior. The Set History System (SHS) is a new client/server system developed at the Collider-Accelerator Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory to provide these capabilities. The SHS has been operational for over two years and currently stores about 100K settings per day into a commercial database management system. The SHS system consists of a server written in Java, client tools written in both Java and C++, and a web interface for querying the database of setting changes. The design of the SHS focuses on performance, portability, and a minimal impact on database resources. In this paper, we present an overview of the system design along with benchmark results showing the performance and reliability of the SHS over the last year.
ROPB01 |
Using Sequencing to Improve Operational Efficiency and Reliability
689 |
- J. Niedziela, T. D'Ottavio
BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York
Operation of an accelerator requires the efficient and reproducible execution of many different types of procedures. Some procedures, like beam acceleration, magnet quench recovery, and species switching can be quite complex. To improve accelerator reliability and efficiency, automated execution of procedures is required. Creation of a single robust sequencing application permits the streamlining of this process and offers many benefits in sequence creation, editing, and control. In this paper, we present key features of a sequencer application commissioned at the Collider-Accelerator Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory during the 2007 run. Included is a categorization of the different types of sequences in use, a discussion of the features considered desirable in a good sequencer, and a description of the tools created to aid in sequence construction and diagnosis. Finally, highlights from our operational experience are presented, with emphasis on Operations control of the sequencer, and the alignment of sequence construction with existing operational paradigms.