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WOPA03 |
LHC Software Architecture [LSA] Evolution Toward LHC Beam Commissioning
307 |
- S. Deghaye, M. Lamont, L. Mestre, M. Misiowiec, W. Sliwinski, G. Kruk
CERN, Geneva
The LHC Software Architecture (LSA) project will provide homogenous application software to operate the Super Proton Synchrotron accelerator (SPS), its transfer lines, and the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). It has been already successfully used in 2005 and 2006 to operate the Low Energy Ion Ring accelerator (LEIR), SPS and LHC transfer lines, replacing the existing old software. This paper presents an overview of the architecture, the status of current development and future plans. The system is entirely written in Java and it is using the Spring Framework, an open-source lightweight container for Java platform, taking advantage of dependency injection (DI), aspect oriented programming (AOP) and provided services like transactions or remote access. Additionally, all LSA applications can run in 2-tier mode as well as in 3-tier mode; thus the system joins benefits of 3-tier architecture with ease of development and testability of 2-tier applications. Today, the architecture of the system is very stable. Nevertheless, there are still several areas where the current domain model needs to be extended in order to satisfy requirements of LHC operation.
WPPA04 |
OASIS Evolution
322 |
- L. Bojtar, C. Charrondiere, Y. A. Georgievskiy, F. C. Peters, I. S. Zharinov, S. Deghaye
CERN, Geneva
OASIS, the Open Analogue Signal Information System, was fully deployed in 2006 and now allows observation of more than 1900 analogue signals in the CERN accelerator complex. Our first operational experience in 2005 indicated that, for performance reasons, a change in the technology used to access the database was needed. Further experience throughout 2006 showed that an even bigger move was required in order to keep the system easy to maintain and improve. Initially based on the J2EE Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) and Java Messaging Service (JMS), the OASIS server was tightly coupled to OC4J, the Oracles EJB container, and SonicMQ, a JMS broker. The upgrade to the latest version of these products being unnecessary complex and the architectural constrains being major drawbacks of the EJBs, it was decided to move completely away from those. The paper presents the new server architecture based on open-source products Spring, ActiveMQ & Hibernate. It also presents the improvements done to the user request processing in order to reduce drastically the response time. Finally, the concept of Virtual Signal is introduced along with the new scalability constraint it brings into the system.
WPPB01 |
CTF3 Beam Position Monitor Acquisition System
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- L. P. Bellier, J. N. Jacquemier
IN2P3-LAPP, Annecy-le-Vieux
- L. Soby, S. Deghaye
CERN, Geneva
The CLIC Test Facility 3 (CTF3) is an R&D machine being built to validate concepts that will be used for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). Because CTF3 is an instrumentation-intensive machine, a considerable amount of money is put into the acquisition hardware and high-quality cables used to bring the instrument signals to the digitalization crates with as little degradation as possible. The main idea of this new approach is to reduce the distance between the signal source and the A/D conversion, reducing the cost of the cabling. To achieve that, we have developed a radiation hard front-end that we install directly into the accelerator tunnel. This front-end deals with the digitalization of the signals after an analog buffering. Afterwards, the data are sent to a computer through the SPECS field bus. Finally, the digitalized signals are made available to the operation crew thanks to a server implementing the OASIS (Open Analogue Signal Information System) interfaces in the CERN Front-End Software Architecture (FESA). After a presentation of this low-cost solution to BPM acquisition, the paper gives the results of the first integration tests performed in the CTF3 machine.
FOAA03 |
The CERN LHC Central Timing, a Vertical Slice
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- P. Alvarez, J. C. Bau, S. Deghaye, I. Kozsar, J. Serrano, J. H. Lewis
CERN, Geneva
The design of the LHC central timing system depends strongly on the requirements for a Collider-type machine. The accelerators in the LHC injector chain cycle in sequences, each accelerator providing beam to the next as the energy increases. This has led to a timing system in which time is divided into cycles of differing characteristics. The LHC timing requirements are completely different, there are no cycles, and machine events are linked to machine processes such as injection, ramping, squeezing, physics, etc. These processes are modelled as event tables that can be played independently; the system must also provide facilities to send asynchronous events for punctual equipment synchronization and a real-time channel to broadcast machine information such as the beam type and its energy. This paper describes the implementation of the LHC timing system and also gives details on the synchronization in the LHC injector chain that manufactures various beams for LHC.