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MOPB02 |
XAL Status
34 |
- C. K. Allen, S. M. Cousineau, J. Galambos, J. A. Holmes, A. P. Shishlo, Y. Zhang, A. P. Zhukov, T. A. Pelaia
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- P. Chu
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
XAL is a Java framework for developing accelerator physics applications for the commissioning and operation of the Spallation Neutron Source. It was designed to be extensible and has evolved to support ongoing accelerator operations. In particular, the on-line model and applications have been extended to support the Ring. Core XAL design features eased the extension from Linac to Ring support and in some cases made it transparent. We discuss the recent advances and future directions in XAL and the current efforts to open the project to broader collaboration.
TPPA07 |
The Development Plan of High Level Applications for CSNS
99 |
- P. Chu
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
- C. H. Wang, Q. Gan
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
This paper surveys the recent developments in high level applications. Especially, the XAL framework and its new progress in LCLS is studied. The design philosophy and requirement analysis of CSNS high level applications are also discussed.
TPPA08 |
Java Swing-Based Plotting Package Residing Within XAL
102 |
- P. Chu
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
- T. A. Pelaia, A. P. Shishlo
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
A Java swing-based data plotting package residing within the XAL framework is presented. The data types are described that can be used for charts, bar charts, and color-surface plots. The algorithms, performance, interactive capabilities, limitations, and the best usage practices of this plotting package are discussed.
TPPA13 |
High-level Application Framework for LCLS
114 |
- S. Chevtsov, D. Fairley, C. Larrieu, J. Rock, D. Rogind, G. R. White, S. Zelazny, P. Chu
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
A framework for high-level accelerator application software has been planned for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The framework is based on plug-in technology developed by the Eclipse open-source project. Many existing functionalities provided by Eclipse are available to high-level applications written within this framework. The framework contains static data storage, configuration, and dynamic data connectivity, as well as modeling through XAL and MAD. Additionally, because the framework is Eclipse-based, it is highly compatible with any other Eclipse plug-ins, such as Control System Studio. The entire infrastructure of the software framework will be presented. Applications and plug-ins based on the framework are also presented.
WOAB01 |
Operational Tools at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
288 |
- S. Chevtsov, P. Chu, D. Fairley, C. Larrieu, D. Rogind, H. Shoaee, M. Woodley, S. Zelazny, G. R. White
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
The operational tools at SLAC have been in continuous development for 20 years. These include a highly developed orbit correction package, an automatic bump maker, orbit fitting, lattice diagnostics, beta-matching and phase advance calculator, a macro recording facility, "Correlation Plots," which is a facility for conducting small ad-hoc experiments, plus a number of others. All of these use a global online modeling database system, and they are all integrated into a single interactive application program, so they interoperate seamlessly. In this talk I'll review these tools, and contrast them with systems we have recently developed which focus on support for accelerator physics conducted directly from numerical analysis packages such as Matlab, or from physicists' own small specialized programs. Lastly, our plans to rewrite all of these operational tools using modern software tools and infrastructure, and how we bridge old systems to new, will be presented.
RPPA31 |
Construction and Application of Database for CSNS
579 |
- P. Chu
SLAC, Menlo Park, California
- C. H. Wang, Q. Gan
IHEP Beijing, Beijing
The database of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Accelerator is designed to store machine parameters, magnet measurement data, survey and alignment data, control system configuration data, equipment historical data, e-logbook, and so on. It will also provide project management quality assurance, error impact analysis, and assembly assistance including sorting. This paper introduces the construction and application of the database for CSNS. Details such as convention name rules, database model and schema, interface of import and export data, and database maintenance will be presented.