Paper | Title | Page |
TOPA02 | SDA Time Intervals | 79 |
SDA (Sequenced Data Acquisition) Time Intervals is a hierarchical logging system for describing complex large-scale repeated processes. SDA has been used extensively at Fermilab* for fine tuning during the Tevatron Collider Run II. SDA Time Intervals is a new system born during discussions between CERN and FNAL about routinely recording relevant data for the LHC. Its main advantages are extremly low maintenance and good integration with traditional "flat" dataloggers. The Time Intervals (TI) system records the time of key events during a process and relates these events to the data that the traditional datalogger archives. From the point of view of the application program, any number of datalogging systems can be refactored into human-understandable time intervals.
* SDA-based diagnostic and analysis tools for Collider Run II. T.B. Bolshakov, P. Lebrun, S. Panacek, V. Papadimitriou, J. Slaughter, A. Xiao. Proceedings of PAC 05, Knoxville, Tennessee, May 2005. |
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