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TPPB18 |
Present Status of VEPP-5 Control System
199 |
- A. Antonov, R. E. Kuskov, D. Bolkhovityanov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
As VEPP-5 moves to commissioning, its control systemCXbecomes more mature. CX is a distributed, networked control system based on a 3-layer "standard model." It has been used for VEPP-5 control since 2000; most hardware is CAMAC and CAN-bus. Currently most control programs have switched to modular plugin-based architecture, which significantly eases development of applications and enhances the whole control system integration. Large-data-size control hardware (such as digital oscilloscopes and CCD-cameras) is fully supported by CX now. E-logbook is currently being deployed, both as a web application and with direct support in control programs. GIS technology is being introduced to the control system, which opens many interesting possibilities.
WPPA15 |
Use of a Three-Layer Control System for Non-Destructive Beam Probe Monitor
345 |
- D. A. Malyutin, A. A. Starostenko, D. Bolkhovityanov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
The non-destructive beam probe is based on the scanning of a thin electron beam within the energy range 20-100 kV in the electromagnetic field of an intensive relativistic bunch. A CCD-camera is used to view the beam "image." Initially the facility was controlled by a standalone application. This was dictated mainly by specifics of a CCD-camera and digital oscilloscopes, which are required for tuning. Now, when CCD-camera and digital oscilloscopes are fully supported by a CX networked control system (based on the 3-layer model), the standalone application was replaced by a CX-based set of programs. This enables remote operation, with several applications running in parallel. Additionally, this architecture allows use of scripting facilities to automate various routine tasks, which previously had to be done by hand.
RPPB10 |
Use of E-Logbook in VEPP-5 Control System
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- D. Bolkhovityanov, R. E. Kuskov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
An electronic logbook (e-logbook) becomes a must for large experimental facilities not only during operation, but also at building and commissionning stages (where VEPP-5 is now). Unfortunately, the "market" of such products is almost nonexistent. So, the choice is narrow: either use some other lab's software (adapting it for local needs) or create your own one from scratch. We have chosen the former way and picked DOOCS e-logbook from DESY. Main changes concerned localization (since Russian uses cyrillic letters, not latin) and data feeding mechanism (due to different model of logging from applications). Integration with GIS and alarm system is being examined.