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RPPA30 |
Drift Compensation for the SNS Laserwire
576 |
- A. M. Barker, W. P. Grice, W. Blokland
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) uses a laserwire to measure the transverse profiles in the Super Conduction Linac (SCL). The laser is located in a service building downstream from the SCL. Mirrors direct the laser light to a specific location to interact with the ion beam. Because of the long travel length of the light, up to 300 feet, minor mirror movements become large enough at the down stream station that the drift over time must be corrected. In this paper we describe how we correct for the drift and present our results.
FOAB01 |
Imaging System Integration at the SNS
714 |
- W. Blokland, K. C. Goetz, T. A. Pelaia, T. J. Shea
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Over the past several years, a variety of imaging systems have been deployed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL's) Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). The systems have supported accelerator instrumentation, neutron beam measurement, target commissioning, and laser diagnostics. For each application, performance requirements drove the choice of camera technology, and this naturally led to a variety of interfaces. This paper will describe the experience gained during the integration and operation of these systems. Several challenges will be highlighted, including algorithms for quantitative measurements, correlation with other accelerator data, real-time video distribution, and storage of large data sets. Although heterogeneous systems must continue to be deployed to meet imaging needs, some common tools and technologies have been identified and are expected to enhance system integration efforts.