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TPPB37 |
Status of the MLS Control System
241 |
- T. Birke, R. Daum, S. Ehlert, D. Faulbaum, B. Franksen, R. Hartmann, B. Kuner, P. Laux, I. Müller, R. Müller, G. Pfeiffer, H. Rüdiger, J. Rahn, D. Thorn, R. Lange
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the German national metrology institute, has set up in close cooperation with BESSY a low-energy electron storage ring next to the BESSY II site. The new storage ring, named "Metrology Light Source"(MLS), is mainly dedicated to metrology and technological developments in the UV and VUV spectral range. Its commissioning started in March 2007. The MLS control system is based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) toolkit. Design and implementation choices guided by the experiences with the BESSY II control system have been flanked by other techniques and new approaches where needed and appropriate. The presentation introduces the MLS and discusses design and implementation of its control system.
WPPB36 |
Ripple Diagnostic on BESSY II Power Supplies
466 |
- T. Birke, T. Schneegans, I. Müller
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
Keeping the ripple of power-supply currents within the specification limits is crucial for the beam stability of the BESSY storage ring. Malfunctioning or aged electronic devices cause an increase of output ripple over the years. This increase is hardly noticed by the operator or operation analysis because the slow integrating AD converters for the current readbacks filter out the ripple. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to find the connection between certain beam movements or beam noise and the faulty power supply causing it. To improve this situation, ripple information for every power supply is required within the control system. The latest series of the CAN bus-connected power-supply interface cards used at BESSY provide an additional fast AD converter. With a sampling frequency of 83.5kHz, this ADC samples ripple information over one period of the mains voltage. The results are transferred over the CAN bus to the EPICS-based control system and can be processed in the usual ways. Using this setup, even temporarily increased ripple can be detected without complex measurement methods.
RPPA37 |
Experiences: Configuration Management with a Generic RDB Data-Model
594 |
- B. Franksen, B. Kuner, T. Birke
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
A new RDB data-model has been introduced at BESSY to enable a more generic approach to store and handle configuration data. Stored data ranges from global hardware-structure and -information through building logical hierarchies to configuration information for monitoring applications as well as signal-level information. This information is used to configure the front-end computers as well as the generic and higher-level tools like alarm-handler and archiver. New applications at BESSY are developed with this generic RDB data-model in mind. First experiences with real-life applications as well as a set of tools for entering, maintenance, and retrieval of configuration data are described in this paper.
RPPB28 |
BESSY Control System Administration and Analysis Tools
671 |
- T. Birke, D. Faulbaum, D. Herrendörfer, P. Stange, R. Lange
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
- M. G. Giacchini
INFN/LNL, Legnaro, Padova
The BESSY II storage ring has been in continuous operation for more than 8 years. With BESSY's new projects and facilities requiring an increasing amount of attention, maintaining the BESSY II control system's high reliability and availability with less effort has become an important task. A set of professional noncommercial tools has been introduced. These tools are combined to detect and track errors, support system administration, and allow an efficient analysis and maintenance of the control system's hardware, software, and configuration. The paper discusses problems and difficulties encountered, and presents the selected approaches and tools as well as the gained experiences.