Three control systems are involved in the powering of the LHC magnets: QPSs (Quench Protection Systems), PICs (Powering Interlock Controllers), and PCs (Power Converters). They have been developed and managed by different teams. The requirements were different; in particular, each system has its own expert software. The starting of the LHC hardware commissioning has shown that a single access point should make the tests easier. Therefore, a new application has been designed to get the powering circuit information from the three expert softwares. It shows synthetic information, through homogenous graphical interfaces, from various sources: PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and WorldFIP agents via FESA (Front-End Software Architecture) and via gateways. Furthermore, this application has been developed for later use. During the LHC operation, it will provide powering circuit overview. This document describes the powering circuit overview application based on an industrial SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system named PVSS with the UNICOS (Unified Industrial Control System) framework. It also explains its integration into the LHC accelerator control infrastructure.