This paper presents the initial design of the Global Fast Orbit Feedback (FOFB) system for the ALBA Storage Ring. The FOFB system is designed to reach a submicron stability of the electron beam working at frequencies of at least 100 Hz. It compensates the small perturbations produced by vibrations, electromagnetic noise and changes in the gap or phase of the insertion devices, etc. A description of the model is shown. The different subsystems have been identified and modeled: the BPM processor, the iron lamination and the vacuum chamber. The power converter supplies for the correctors play an important role in the system, and they have been designed (strength, resolution, bandwidth, voltage output) accordingly with the FOFB requirements. We have also studied the latency of the system (communication network, processing times). The orbit correction is computed by a PID controller. The simulations of the closed loop response show a damping of the perturbation between 0 and 100 Hz, although the system also introduces a small amplification of the noise just after this bandwidth. Finally the paper presents the initial design of the hardware architecture of the FOFB system.