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RPPB27 |
A Proposed Alarm Handling System Management Plan for SNS with Application to Target Control System
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- R. E. Battle, E. Danilova, R. L. Sangrey, E. Williams, J. Munro
ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
We have developed a set of requirements for an SNS alarm handling system and have applied these to the control system for the SNS liquid mercury target to gain experience with an implementation first on a limited scale before applying them to the whole accelerator. This implementation is based on the EPICS alarm handler ALH. The requirements address such topics as alarm classification, priorities, types of warning, hierarchies, and management under different modes of target operation. Alarms are currently organized by system and subsystem. Target control systems considered in the examples here include the Hg loop, three light-water and one heavy-water cooling loops. Modifications to ALH include addition of drag and drop capabilities for individual PVs and drop-down lists of selectable actions. One such action provides access to the alarm response procedures required for a process variable that shows an alarm. Alarm and operator action log files are maintained separately from instances of ALH launched for operator displays. Database reporting tools have been developed to aid analysis of data in these files. Examples of the use of our tools and features will be presented.