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TOAA02 |
Status of the Control System for HICAT at an Advanced Stage of Commissioning: Functions, Restrictions and Experiences
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- R. Baer, M. Schwickert, T. Fleck
GSI, Darmstadt
One and a half years after installation of the first components, much progress has been made in commissioning of the accelerator for the clinic in Heidelberg. In the final state it is designed to produce different kinds of heavy ions with energies up to 430 MeV/u to treat about 1300 tumor patients a year at three therapy rooms. Presently the specified parameter space for patient treatment is filled to meet the correct combinations of energies, beam foci, and intensities for the therapy. In this contribution we will first shortly describe the concept of the control system which was designed by GSI but developed by an all-industrial partner who furthermore delivered the front-end control units and has another contract with Siemens Medical Solutions to meet the requirements at the interface to the therapy control system. We will mainly focus on its abilities and experiences with it: different kinds of beam requests, time accuracy, real-time analysis, assurance of consistent device data, offline-diagnostics and the beam diagnostic systems. We also report on known restrictions and the concept to securely provide different operation modes for accelerator adjustment or patient treatment.
TOAB01 |
The New FAIR Accelerator Complex at GSI: Project, Controls Challenges, and First Steps
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- U. Krause, W. Panschow, V. R.W. Schaa, W. Schiebel, P. Schuett, R. Baer
GSI, Darmstadt
An international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) was proposed by GSI in 2001 and is currently under development. This new accelerator complex will be a significant extension to the existing GSI accelerator chain and will provide a range of particle beams from protons and antiprotons to ion beams of all elements up to uranium, as well as secondary beams of short-lived rare isotope beams. The central parts of the FAIR facility are a superconducting double-ring synchrotron and a system of storage rings. This presentation covers the status and scope of the FAIR project and its technical and organizational challenges, in particular in respect to the accelerator control system. As many parts of the new FAIR facility will be independently developed as in-kind contributions by international FAIR partner institutes, one significant point is integration and interface management. Among many other aspects, one important technical consideration is a high degree of parallel beam operation for the different research programs that imposes ambitious demands on the timing and cycle management system. We will discuss first steps towards a new FAIR control system.
TPPB39 |
Experiences with an Industrial Control System: Traceability of Specifications, Commissioning Support and Conclusions from the HICAT Project
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- R. Baer, M. Schwickert, U. Weinrich, T. Fleck
GSI, Darmstadt
While the accelerator for HICAT was designed by GSI, most components and systems were supplied by industrial partners. Despite thorough and detailed specifications for the control system, the concept allowed a rather high degree of freedom for the industrial partner regarding the implementation. The challenge of this combination established a good understanding of the necessary functionalities by our industrial partner. First, we describe the process of implementation starting with the specifications made, sum up the tracing of the development, and show how we ensured proper functionality ab inito and necessary steps since then. Second, we describe problems ranging from software bugs to demands regarding acceptance tests for other components and state how we managed to solve these problems with our industrial partner on a short timescale. Last, we show what can be learned from our experiences. In particular we discuss where it is more efficient to describe all necessary physical dependencies to the industrial partner instead of defining a proper interface where the programming can be done by accelerator experts and concentrate on areas that led to problems with the time schedule.
WPPB18 |
Customizable Motion Control Solution Supporting Large Distances
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- R. Baer, G. Froehlich, K. Herlo, U. Krause, M. Schwickert
GSI, Darmstadt
- J. Bobnar, I. Kriznar, J. Dedic
Cosylab, Ljubljana
Motion control solutions for controlling a movement of motorized mechanical subsystems for accelerators, telescopes or similar spatially distributed systems require high degree of flexibility regarding the use and connectivity. One platform should fit different applications and provide cost effective solutions. A connection to the control system (CS) is required on one side, while on the other side a connection to a variety of motors, position encoders and other feedback devices must be provided. In case of more complex mechanics, an advanced kinematics control is essential to provide features such as motion tuning, interpolation and controlled acceleration. An embedded computer is used for SW-flexibility and CS-support. Motion control capabilities are provided by separate HW; programmable multi axis controller. Signal adaptation for a direct connection of the equipment is managed by an interface board. Easy installation and debugging is provided by low-level local control; front panel switches and indicators, RS232 or direct keyboard and monitor access. An advanced approach is required in case of a larger distance between the motor controller and the motors with position encoders.
RPPB29 |
Requirements and Coherent Realization of the HICAT Control System Functionality for Test, Commissioning, and Operation
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- R. Baer, M. Schwickert, T. Fleck
GSI, Darmstadt
The control system for the HICAT project comprises several rather different functionalities for the whole range of demands starting from tests of single components up to the specified operation mode where the accelerator has to deliver a beam of high-energy ions with requested energy, focus and intensity for tumor treatment. We outline the concept and realization of this system which is capable of fulfilling all those needs within the implemented functions and GUIs. The range of functionality spans from test environments and trace-possibilities for single front-end controllers up to complete integrity tests of the whole accelerator for the designed operation mode. For example, for commissioning of the LINAC division the control system utilizes a 5Hz mode while typical synchrotron cycles last for several seconds and can be used with similar adjustments. In normal operation mode diagnostics like beam current are only evaluated at special times in a cycle, but it is possible to monitor and record these data at high sampling rates in a continuous mode over several hours. Furthermore it is possible to accomplish long-term stability tests of single components during normal operation.