The PSI 590-MeV Cyclotron is already more than 30 years in operation. However, it still holds the world record in continuous beam power. There is an active experiment program being pursued, and new experiments are planned and being built. In addition, the beam intensity is being upgraded by 50%. The control system has been through several incremental upgrades. However, the new requirements and other developments at PSI (other accelerator facilities) force again an upgrade. This time the whole architecture of the system is to be changed. The controls hardware architecture will be changed and the underlying software will move to EPICS. All this has to happen without compromising the operation schedule. In the upgrade program we are planning to benefit from several new developments, both in-house and together with the community. The central technologies to be used will be presented. The issue of how to tackle the somewhat contradictory goals of upgrading on the fly will be discussed.