- F. A. Anelli, M. Bellaveglia, D. Filippetto, S. Fioravanti, E. Pace, G. Di Pirro
INFN/LNF, Frascati (Roma)
- L. Catani, A. Cianchi
INFN-Roma II, Roma
We describe the control system for the new Frascati injector project (SPARC). The injector starts operation in fall 2007, and at that time the control system must be fully operative and integrate all tools to help the machine operation. To allow a fast development of the control system, we made some choices: (1) Labview as developing system due to its diffusion in the Frascati labs and being a standard-de-facto in the acquisition software; (2) GigaBit Ethernet as interconnection bus in order to have sufficient bandwidth for data exchange; and (3) PCs as front-end CPUs and operator console because they have enough computing power. In 2006 a first operation of the control system, during the SPARC gun test performed with the e-meter diagnostic apparatus, allowed us to test the architecture of the control system both from the hardware and software points of view. All control applications for magnetic elements, vacuum equipment, RF cavities, and some diagnostics have been developed and debugged online. An automatic process stores in a database operating information both periodically and on data change. Information can be sent automatically or manually to our e-logbook.