Keyword: cryomodule
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MOP1WA02 The LCLS-II-HE, A High Energy Upgrade of the LCLS-II ion, FEL, linac, SRF 6
  • T.O. Raubenheimer
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  The LCLS-II XFEL will be based on a 4 GeV CW SRF linac and will produce x-ray pulses at 1 MHz over the spectral range of 200 to 5,00 eV. The rf gun will be installed and tested in early 2018; cryomodules are being produced at Fermilab and Jefferson lab and shipped to SLAC; undulator segments are being fabricated at LBNL and measured at SLAC. In parallel, a High Energy upgrade will be described which would extend the linac to 8 GeV and increase the spectral range to 12.8 keV.  
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