Author: Wang, X.F.
Paper Title Page
THP2WB02 An Overview of the Progress on SSMB 166
  • C.-X. Tang, X.J. Deng, W.-H. Huang, T. Rui
    TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • A. Chao, D.F. Ratner
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • J. Feikes, J. Li, M. Ries
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • C. Feng, B.C. Jiang, X.F. Wang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  • E. Granados
    MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  • A. Hoehl
    PTB, Berlin, Germany
  Steady State Microbunching (SSMB) is an electron stor- age ring based scheme proposed by Ratner and Chao to generate high average power coherent radiation and is one of the promising candidates to address the need of kW level EUV source for lithography. After the idea of SSMB was put forward, it has attracted much attention. Recently, with the promote of Chao, in collaboration with colleagues from other institutes, a SSMB task force has been established in Tsinghua University. The experimental proof of the SSMB principle and a feasible lattice design for EUV SSMB are the two main tasks at this moment. SSMB related physics for the formation and maintenance of microbunches will be explored in the first optical proof-of-principle experiment at the MLS storage ring in Berlin. For EUV SSMB lattice design, longitudinal strong focusing and reversible seeding are the two schemes on which the team focuses. The pro- gresses made as well as some challenges from physical and technological aspects for EUV SSMB will be presented in this paper.
on behalf of the SSMB team: C. Tang, Alex Chao, X. Deng, W. Huang, and T. Rui of THU; D. Ratner of SLAC; J. Feikes and M. Ries of Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin; C. Feng, B. Jiang, and X. Wang of SINAP
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