Paper | Title | Page |
TUP1WA03 |
Free-Electron Laser R&D in the UK - Steps Towards a National X-FEL Facility | |
In this contribution we present highlights of FEL R&D in the UK with a focus on progress towards a national X-Ray FEL user facility. We discuss the aims and status of CLARA, a dedicated FEL test facility under construction at STFC Daresbury Laboratory and present highlights of recent research into the development of novel FEL output possibilities. | ||
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Slides TUP1WA03 [9.028 MB] | |
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THA1WA04 |
A Staged, Multi-User X-Ray Free Electron Laser & Nuclear Physics Facility Based on a Multi-Pass Recirculating Superconducting CW Linac | |
A multi-pass recirculating superconducting CW linac offers a cost effective path to a multi-user facility with unprecedented scientific and industrial reach over a wide range of disciplines. We propose such a facility to be constructed in stages. The first stage constitutes an option for a potential UK-XFEL; the linac will simultaneously drive a suite of short wavelength Free Electron Lasers (FELs) capable of providing high average power (MHz repetition rate) at up to 10 keV photons and high pulse energy (3 mJ) 25 keV photons. The system architecture is chosen to enable additional coherent sources at longer wavelengths, depending on community need. In later stages the scope of the project expands; we propose beam transport modifications to enable operation in Energy Recovery mode. This enables multi-MHz FEL sources, e.g. an X-ray FEL oscillator. Combining with lasers and / or self-interaction will provide access to MeV and GeV gamma-rays via inverse Compton scattering at high average power. Opportunities are also created for internal target and fixed target experiments. We explore possible system architectures and outline a path to confirm feasibility through experiments. | ||
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Slides THA1WA04 [3.960 MB] | |
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