Author: Cheng, W.X.
Paper Title Page
THP2WB03 Transparent Lattice Characterization with Gated Turn-by-Turn Data of Diagnostic Bunch-Train 171
  • Y. Li, W.X. Cheng, K. Ha, R.S. Rainer
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Funding: This work was supported by Depart- ment of Energy Contract No. DE-SC0012704.
Methods of characterization of a storage ring's lattice have traditionally been intrusive to routine operations. More importantly, the lattice seen by particles can drift with the beam current due to collective effects. To circumvent this, we have developed a novel approach for dynamically characterizing a storage ring's lattice that is transparent to operations. Our approach adopts a dedicated filling pattern which has a short, separate Diagnostic Bunch-Train (DBT). Gated functionality of a beam position monitor system is capable of collecting turn-by-turn data of the DBT, from which the lattice can then be characterized after excitation. As the DBT comprises only about one percent of the total operational bunches, the effects of its excitation are negligible to users. This approach allows us to localize the distributed quadrupolar wake fields generated in the storage ring vacuum chamber during beam accumulation. While effectively transparent to operations, our approach enables us to dynamically control the beta-beat and phase-beat, and unobtrusively optimize performance of National Synchrotron Light Source-II accelerator during routine operations.
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