The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
TY - UNPB AU - Lindberg, R.R. ED - Chin, Yong Ho ED - Zhao, Zhentang ED - Petit-Jean-Genaz, Christine ED - Schaa, Volker RW TI - Theory of Longitudinal Multibunch Instabilities Including a Higher-Harmonic (Bunch-Lengthening) Cavity J2 - Proc. of FLS2018, Shanghai, China, 5-9 March 2018 C1 - Shanghai, China T2 - ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop T3 - 60 LA - english AB - The next generation of high-brightness storage rings typically require a higher-harmonic rf system to increase the bunch length and improve lifetime. The modified longitudinal dynamics has important implications for multi-bunch stability, since bunch lengthening also changes the synchrotron frequency both by lowering its mean (which reduces stability), and by increasing its variation with amplitude (which gives rise to Landau damping). To understand these competing effects, we present an analytic theory of longitudinal multi-bunch instabilities in the presence of a higher-harmonic cavity tuned to lengthen the bunch. The theory results in a relatively straightforward extension to the usual matrix-based multi-bunch analysis, and we show how the numerically determined growth rates can be used to understand the role of Landau damping. Finally, we compare predictions of the theoretical growth rates to those extracted from tracking simulations of the proposed APS Upgrade lattice. PB - JACoW Publishing CP - Geneva, Switzerland ER -