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Recent Experimental Results from PITZ
- G. Asova, K. Boyanov
INRNE, Sofia
- J. W. Baehr, C. H. Boulware, H.-J. Grabosch, M. Hänel, S. Khodyachykh, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, S. Lederer, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, S. Riemann, S. Rimjaem, T. A. Scholz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
- K. Floettmann
DESY, Hamburg
- L. H. Hakobyan
YerPhI, Yerevan
- R. Richter
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
- J. Roensch
Uni HH, Hamburg
- A. Shapovalov
MEPhI, Moscow
The Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) was built to develop and optimize electron sources for superconducting linac driven, high power, short wavelength FELs. A 1.5 cell L-band gun cavity characterized at PITZ has provided beam for FLASH since 2004. A spare RF gun has been characterized at PITZ and delivered to Hamburg as well. To meet the stringent requirements on beam quality for the European XFEL, a substantial upgrade program is ongoing at PITZ. In a first operation period during October 2006, projected normalized transverse emittances in both transverse planes between 1.2 and 1.5 mm mrad for a bunch charge of 1 nC were measured. These results are in good agreement with simulations. A major step towards even lower emittance is the increase of the electric field at the photo cathode from 40 MV/m to 60 MV/m. With the upgrades ongoing now, simulations predict a projected normalized transverse emittance of 1.2 mm mrad and better for 1 nC bunch charge in the running period scheduled for summer 2007. This contribution will give an overview of the experimental results obtained at PITZ in the operation periods of October 2006 and summer 2007 (e.g. transverse and longitudinal phase space measurements, dark current and cathode properties). The main steps of the further upgrade program at PITZ will be mentioned as well.
WEPPH009 |
Recent Measurements of the Longitudinal Phase Space at PITZ
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- G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, C. H. Boulware, H.-J. Grabosch, L. H. Hakobyan, M. Hänel, S. Khodyachykh, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, S. Lederer, B. Petrosyan, S. Riemann, S. Rimjaem, T. A. Scholz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
- R. Richter
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
- K. Rosbach
Humboldt University Berlin, Institut für Physik, Berlin
- J. Rossbach, J. Roensch
Uni HH, Hamburg
The Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) was built to test and optimize electron guns for short wavelength Free-Electron Lasers (FELs) like FLASH and XFEL at DESY in Hamburg. For a detailed analysis of the behaviour of the electron bunch, the longitudinal phase space and it projections can be measured behind the gun cavity. The electric field at the photo cathode was increased from 40 MV/m to 60 MV/m, to optimize the transverse emittance. The momentum distributions for different gradients and gun phases will be presented. The determination of the field balance from the momentum distribution will be discussed. In order to study emittance conservation, a booster cavity and additional diagnostics were installed. The evolution of the longitudinal phase space in the booster cavity will be investigated. Measurements of the momentum distribution and longitudinal distribution behind the booster cavity will be discussed.
WEPPH012 |
Investigations on the Thermal Emittance of Cs2Te Photocathodes at PITZ
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- G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, C. H. Boulware, H.-J. Grabosch, M. Hänel, S. Khodyachykh, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, B. Petrosyan, S. Rimjaem, J. Roensch, T. A. Scholz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, S. Lederer
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
- K. Boyanov
INRNE, Sofia
- L. H. Hakobyan
YerPhI, Yerevan
- R. Richter
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
- A. Shapovalov
MEPhI, Moscow
The main objective of the Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) is the production of electron beams with minimal transverse emittance. The lower limit of this property of electron beams produced with a photocathode in an RF-gun is determined by the thermal emittance. To understand this crucial parameter for high performance FEL’s, measurements under RF operation conditions for Cesium Telluride (Cs2Te) photocathodes are done. Results for various accelerating gradients and the dependence on the laser spot size in the cathode plane are presented and discussed in this work.
WEPPH013 |
Status and Perspectives of the PITZ Facility Upgrade
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- G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, C. H. Boulware, H.-J. Grabosch, L. H. Hakobyan, M. Hänel, S. Khodyachykh, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, S. Lederer, A. Oppelt, B. Petrosyan, S. Riemann, T. A. Scholz, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, S. Rimjaem
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
- K. Boyanov
INRNE, Sofia
- K. Floettmann
DESY, Hamburg
- R. Richter
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
- J. Roensch
Uni HH, Hamburg
- K. Rosbach
Humboldt University Berlin, Institut für Physik, Berlin
- A. Shapovalov
MEPhI, Moscow
The Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) has been established to develop and optimize electron sources that cover requirements of FEL facilities such as FLASH and the European XFEL. A major upgrade of the facility is ongoing in steps, in parallel to the commissioning of the extended setup and first experiments. The new setup towards the final design mainly includes a photo cathode RF gun, a post acceleration booster cavity and several diagnostic systems. In order to fulfil the high brightness electron source characterization, the diagnostic systems will consist of three emittance measurement systems, two high-energy dispersive arms, an RF deflecting cavity and a longitudinal phase space tomography module as well as bunch length diagnostics. In this paper, results of the commissioning of the new RF gun, which has been installed and conditioned at PITZ in spring and summer of 2007, the current PITZ status and details of the future facility upgrade will be presented.
WEPPH050 |
Proposal for an Automatized Beam Position Alignment System Using BPM's and Rotating Steerers
- G. Asova, J. W. Baehr, C. H. Boulware, H.-J. Grabosch, L. H. Hakobyan, M. Hänel, S. Khodyachykh, S. A. Korepanov, M. Krasilnikov, B. Petrosyan, S. Riemann, L. Staykov, F. Stephan, T. A. Scholz
DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
- K. Boyanov
INRNE, Sofia
- S. Lederer
DESY, Hamburg
- R. Richter
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
- J. Roensch
Uni HH, Hamburg
- A. Shapovalov
MEPhI, Moscow
The Photo Injector Test facility in Zeuthen (PITZ) is dedicated to improve the performance of high brilliant electron beams. The electron beam is emitted from a CsTe-photocathode placed in a normal conducting 1.5 cell L-band RF gun. The electron beam is further accelerated to 15 up to 30 MeV by a booster cavity. For an optimized acceleration it is important that the beam passes the booster on the symmetry axis. This should be done with a controlling system consisting of two beam position monitors (BPM) and two rotatable steerer magnets to align the beam. A software analyzes the information given by the BPM's and controls the steerer settings to adjust the beam in a feedback loop up to a certain preset limit. Integration of this tool into the PITZ control system has been provided. This contribution will describe the method of calculation, the algorithm, the graphical user interface as well as first experimental results.