Paper | Title | Page |
MOPPH029 | Nondestructive Transfer of Complex Molecular Systems into Aerosol Phase by Means of Terahertz Irradiation of Free Electron Laser | |
Original investigations of ablation of various substances under the action of submillimeter radiation of the free electron laser (FEL) developed and built at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics were carried out at the Chemical and Biological user station of the Siberian Center for Photochemical Research. It was shown that ablation can be nondestructive. In order to determine the size distribution of aerosol products, we used the Diffusion Aerosol Spectrometer (DSA) developed at the ICKC SB RAS* and sampling for examination with electron microscope. The arrangement of experiments and equipment involved allowed us to determine the disperse composition of irradiation products within particle size range 3nm 10mkm. At the present moment we have classified the aerosol products of ablation of the following substances: Crustal minerals, Fullerene-like complexes based on molybdenum; Polymers with different molecular masses, Biological macromolecules**. The most impressive results are obtained under ablation of biological macromolecules. In order to reveal whether the enzymatic activity of ablation products is conserved, we carried out a test for histochemical coloring of the collected aerosol of horse radish peroxidase. The test showed that this complicated enzyme remained active after ablation. We believe that this result is extremely important for biotechnology.
* A. N. Ankilov et al. Atmospheric Res., 2002, 62, 209-237.** A. K. Petrov et al. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Res., 2007, 575, 68-71. |
MOPPH044 | Status of Novosibirsk ERL and FEL | |
The Novosibirsk terahertz free electron laser is based on the energy recovery linac (ERL) with room-temperature radiofrequency system. Some features of the ERL are discussed. The results of emittance measurements and electron optics tests are presented. The first stage of Novosibirsk high power free electron laser (FEL) was commissioned in 2003. Now the FEL provides electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range 110 - 230 micron. The average power is 400 W. The minimum measured linewidth is 0.3%, which is close to the Fourier-transform limit. Four user stations are in operation. The second stage of the ERL, which has four orbits, is under construction. | ||
THAAU05 | Light Pulse Structure, Spectrum and Coherency of Novosibirsk Terahertz Free Electron Laser | |
Light pulse structure and spectrum of Novosibirsk free electron laser were studied by direct independent methods. Super fast Schottky diode was used in time domain experiments. Method of vacuum Fourier spectroscopy was applied for spectral investigations. Observation of spectral stability of each light pulse was made by grating monochromator with Schottky diode. Influence of cogerency on harmonic powers is also shown. | ||
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THBAU03 | FEL Irradiation Use for the Biochip Production Standardization | |
The teraherz emission of the Budker INP Free electron laser was applied to the development of the scientific base for the biochip production standardization. The complementary pairings of hydrogen bonds of DNA nucleotides are the base of biochip applications. The technique is based on the method of soft nondestruction ablation developed by authors, which means the transfer of molecules to aerosol phase form solid substrate under action of the teraherz emission. The teraherz emission excites nonvalency of molecular bonds. Ablation of horseradish peroxidase biomoleculs was carried out and nondestruction of biomelecules was verified by using of an aerosol spectrometer and an electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. By hystochemical staining technique there was verified that peroxidase has retained its enzymatic activity. The molecular design of model biochip oligonucleotides and polymerase chain reaction analysis of ablation product were developed. The prototype of two different biochips on high resistance silicon substrate were manufactured. Requirements to the coating and immobilization of oligonucleotide probes on silicon substrate were developed. The first experiment on nondestruction ablation under teraherz emission of oligonucleotides from model biochip was achieved. | ||
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