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MOPPH050 |
Status of the Undulator System of the Seeded HGHG-FEL Test Bench at MAX-lab
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- M. Brandin, F. Lindau, D. Pugachov, S. Thorin, S. Werin
MAX-lab, Lund
- W. Frentrup, A. Gaupp, K. Goldammer, K. Holldack, M. Scheer, J. Bahrdt
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
Within the EUROFEL Design Study a seeded HGHG-FEL will be set up at the 400 MeV linac at MAX-lab. The undulators and the dispersive section have been installed. A glass fibre based power meter system for integrated dose measurements as well as a Cherenkov system for a fast detection of electron losses have been integrated. We report on the performance of all components. Simulations on the acceptable radiation doses inside the undulator magnets will be presented. In the first step of commissioning the THz radiation as produced by the bunched electron beam inside the dispersive section will be used for the optimization of the longitudinal and transverse overlap of the electron beam and the laser beam.
MOPPH054 |
Small-Aperture Vacuum-Chamber Design for STARS
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- J. Bahrdt, V. Duerr, M. Scheer, G. Wuestefeld, A. Meseck
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
To demonstrate and investigate the cascaded HGHG-scheme proposed for the BESSY Soft X-ray FEL, BESSY plans to build a test-facility called STARS consisting of two HGHG stages. The radiator in the second stage is planned as an APPLE III device which provides the highest field for a circular beam pipe. The minimum Gap of 7 mm translates into a 5 mm inner diameter of the vacuum chamber. An analysis of the impact of the wakefields and the expected vacuum profile is thus required. Results of this analysis an vacuum measurements are presented.