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MOPPH044 |
Status of Novosibirsk ERL and FEL
- N. Gavrilov, B. A. Knyazev, E. I. Kolobanov, V. V. Kotenkov, V. V. Kubarev, G. N. Kulipanov, A. N. Matveenko, L. E. Medvedev, S. V. Miginsky, L. A. Mironenko, V. Ovchar, V. M. Popik, T. V. Salikova, M. A. Scheglov, S. S. Serednyakov, O. A. Shevchenko, A. N. Skrinsky, V. G. Tcheskidov, N. Vinokurov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
The Novosibirsk terahertz free electron laser is based on the energy recovery linac (ERL) with room-temperature radiofrequency system. Some features of the ERL are discussed. The results of emittance measurements and electron optics tests are presented. The first stage of Novosibirsk high power free electron laser (FEL) was commissioned in 2003. Now the FEL provides electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range 110 - 230 micron. The average power is 400 W. The minimum measured linewidth is 0.3%, which is close to the Fourier-transform limit. Four user stations are in operation. The second stage of the ERL, which has four orbits, is under construction.
Light Pulse Structure, Spectrum and Coherency of Novosibirsk Terahertz Free Electron Laser
- E. I. Kolobanov, V. V. Kotenkov, G. N. Kulipanov, A. N. Matveenko, L. E. Medvedev, V. K. Ovchar, K. S. Palagin, T. V. Salikova, M. A. Scheglov, S. S. Serednyakov, N. Vinokurov, V. V. Kubarev
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
Light pulse structure and spectrum of Novosibirsk free electron laser were studied by direct independent methods. Super fast Schottky diode was used in time domain experiments. Method of vacuum Fourier spectroscopy was applied for spectral investigations. Observation of spectral stability of each light pulse was made by grating monochromator with Schottky diode. Influence of cogerency on harmonic powers is also shown.