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WEPPH059 |
FELICE: the Free Electron Laser for Intra-cavity Experiments
- B. Redlich, A. F.G. van der Meer
FOM Rijnhuizen, Nieuwegein
In this poster presentation we will discuss the objectives of the FELICE project, its design and construction, as well as the results of the recent commissioning phase.
FELICE, the Free Electron Laser for Intra-Cavity Eperiments
- B. Redlich, A. F.G. van der Meer
FOM Rijnhuizen, Nieuwegein
We present the status and first results of the commissioning of the new beam line FELICE, an extension of the IR User Facility FELIX. The primary purpose of this beam line is to enhance the capabilities of the facility for different types of action spectroscopy of (bio)molecules, ions, clusters and complexes in the gas-phase. FELs such as FELIX are particularly suited for this type of research and the majority of the beam time delivered is nowadays devoted to it. Despite the large number of successful experiments, it soon became clear that for certain experiments even the output of FELIX is not sufficient, especially in the FIR. As the absorption cross sections of the gas samples are inherently low, a very significant boost is possible by making use of the intra-cavity power. FELICE is designed to cover the wavelength range from 3 to 100 microns at a micropulse repetition rate of 1 GHz. It runs interleaved with FELIX at a macropulse repetition rate of up to 10 Hz. The 4-mirror resonator, extending through the radiation shielding, provides an additional focus at either one of two experimental setups: a versatile molecular beam machine and an FTICR ion trap. For the wavelength range above 35 microns, the resonator will be equipped with an insertable, partial waveguide. At this moment, an intermediate stage has been reached in which FELICE can operate in the 635 micron range.