Paper | Title | Page |
TUPPH006 | FEL Potential of the High Current ERLs at BNL | 232 |
An ampere class 20 MeV superconducting Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) is under construction at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)* for testing concepts for high-energy electron cooling and electron-ion colliders. This ERL prototype will be used as a test bed to study issues relevant for very high current ERLs. High average current and high performance of electron beam with some additional components make this ERL an excellent driver for high power far infrared Free Electron Laser (FEL). A possibility for future up-grade to a two-pass ERL is considered. We present the status and our plans for construction and commissioning of the ERL. We discus a FEL potential based on electron beam provided by BNL ERL.
* Litvinenko, V. N. et al. High current energy recovery linac at BNL. Proc. 26th International Free Electron Laser Conference and 11th FEL Users Workshop (FEL 2004). |
TUCAU01 | FELs and High-energy Electron Cooling | 268 |
Electron cooling is extremely successful in cooling low and medium energy ions, including protons. ERLs are promising to extend the reach of traditional electron cooling to about 100 GeV/nucleon for heavy ions. Nevertheless, cooling of protons with energies from about 100 GeV (RHIC) to few TeV (LHC) becoming very complicated or even possible. Optical stochastic cooling [1] has potential to be an instrument of choice, but it has two main shortcomings: a) it requires significant modifications of the lattices of hadron machine and b) in the case of the protons it suffers from very inefficient interaction (radiation) of protons with TEM wave. It was suggested [2] to combine advantages of electrostatic interaction with broad-band FEL-amplifier in what is now called stochastic electron cooling. Such system will naturally fit into a straight section of modern high energy hadron colliders. In this paper we present description of the cooling process and give examples of FEL-based electron cooler for protons in RHIC and LHC. [1] A. Mikhalichenko and M. Zolotorev, Phys. Rev. Lett., 71, p.4146 (1993). [2] Ya. S. Derbenev, NIM A441 (2000) 223 | ||
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WEAAU04 | Superconducting Photoinjector for High-Power Free Electron Lasers | 290 |
One of the frontiers in FEL science is that of high power. In order to reach power in the megawatt range, one requires a current of the order of one ampere with a reasonably good emittance. The superconducting laser-photocathode RF gun with a high quantum efficiency photocathode is the most natural candidate to provide this performance. The development of a 1/2 cell superconducting photoinjector designed to operate at a current of 0.5 amperes and beam energy of 2 MeV and its photocathode system are the subjects covered in this paper. The main issues are the photocathode and its insertion mechanism, the power coupling and High Order Mode damping. This technology is being developed at BNL for DOE nuclear physics applications such as electron cooling at high energy and electron ion colliders. | ||
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