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MOPPH010 |
Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Surface Mode Supported by a Reflection Grating
38 |
- K.-J. Kim
ANL, Argonne, Illinois
- V. Kumar
RRCAT, Indore (M. P.)
In a Smith-Purcell Free-Electron Laser (SP-FEL), the electron beam interacts with the surface mode supported by a metallic reflection grating to produce coherent radiation. All the previous analyses of SP-FEL had considered the localization of the surface mode only in the direction perpendicular to the grating surface and assumed translational invariance along the direction of grooves of the grating. In this paper, we include the localization of the surface mode along the direction of grooves and study the three-dimensional structure of the surface mode in order to include diffraction effects in the analysis of SP-FELs. Full three-dimensional Maxwell-Lorentz equations are derived for the self-consistent nonlinear analysis of SP-FELs.
MOPPH074 |
Preliminary Design of the Proposed IR-FEL in India
179 |
- V. Kumar, S. Krishnagopal
RRCAT, Indore (M. P.)
We propose to build a infra-red free-electron laser facility in India. We present details of the preliminary design of the FEL.