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MOPPH047 |
Influence of Terahertz Electromagnetic Radiation on Neurons In-vitro
- V. M. Klementyev
Institute of Laser Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk
- A. S. Kozlov, A. K. Petrov
ICKC SB RAS, Novosibirsk
- T. A. Zapara, A. S. Ratushnyak
Zapara, Novosibirsk
Isolated neurons of mollusk in vitro at various stages of network neogenesis were studied earlier. The influence of submillimeter laser radiation (from 70 up to 418 mkm) it was investigated. 40-50 hours after laser irradiation (81.5 mkm) the formation of heterogeneities of the cell surface with the subsequent creation of arbitrarily directed process - like frames is observed in 12-15% of cells which were at the process shaping stage. In neurons which have formed processes, 15-20 hours after the exposition there is disturbance in the processes growth zones. The disturbance of formation of interneuron connections and thickening of processes terminations are observed. Similar alterations of cells are absent at smaller power density, exposition at other wavelengths, and in control neurons (without exposure). There is disturbance of cell adhesion to surface in 70-80% of neurons after irradiation at 418-mkm wavelength. Experiments on high power Novosibirsk teraherz free electron laser have shown influence of such radiation on functional characteristics alive neurons. The alterations observed can be the result of a modification of separate (possibly, individual) molecules of neuron regulation or structure-forming systems.