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MOPPH072 |
The IR-Beam Transport System from the ELBE-FELs to the User Labs
171 |
- M. Justus, K.-W. Leege, D. Proehl, R. Schlenk, A. Winter, D. Wohlfarth, R. Wuensch, W. Seidel
FZD, Dresden
In the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, two free-electron lasers (FELs) have been put into operation. They produce laser light in the medium and the far infrared wavelength range (4-200 microns). The IR light is transported to several laboratories in the same building and to the adjacent building of the High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD) as well. The latter is up to 70m away from the FELs. Constructional peculiarities, the large wavelength range (a factor of 50 between the shortest and the longest wavelengths), the high average power in cw regime, and the beam property requirements of the users pose a challenge to the beam line design. The transport system includes vacuum pipes, plane and toroidal gold-covered copper mirrors, exit windows, and diagnostic elements. The designed transport system produces a beam waist at selected spots in each laboratory representing an image of the outcoupling hole. Spot size and position are independent of the wavelength. In the HLD the beam is fed into a circulare waveguide, guiding the radiation to the sample inside of a cryostat. To ensure the desired beam properties, the transport system has been analyzed by means of various ray and wave optical models.
WEPPH046 |
A Superconducting RF Photo-Injector for Operation at the ELBE Linear Accelerator
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- A. Arnold, H. Buettig, D. Janssen, M. Justus, U. Lehnert, P. Michel, K. Moeller, P. Murcek, Ch. Schneider, R. Schurig, F. Staufenbiel, R. Xiang, J. Teichert
FZD, Dresden
- T. Kamps
BESSY GmbH, Berlin
- G. Klemz, I. Will
MBI, Berlin
- W.-D. Lehmann
IfE, Dresden
- A. Matheisen, B. van der Horst
DESY, Hamburg
- J. Stephan
IKST, Drsden
- V. Volkov
BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk
- P. vom Stein
ACCEL, Bergisch Gladbach
For the ELBE superconducting linear accelerator at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD) a radiofrequency photoelectron injector with a superconducting cavity (SRF gun) is under development. The SRF gun combines the excellent beam quality which can be delivered by RF photoinjectors with the possibility of continuous wave operation. The superconducting niobium cavity of the injector consists of 3½ cells and contains a Cs2Te photocathode which is normal-conducting and cooled by liquid nitrogen. The RF frequency of the cavity is 1.3 GHz. The final electron energy will be about 9.5 MeV and the average electron current will be 1 mA. In the past years the SRF photo injector has been designed and fabricated. Several critical subsystems have been tested. For the cavity, the results of the RF measurements will be shown. An UV driver laser system has been developed which fulfils the different requirements (77 pC at 13 MHz, 1 nC at 500 kHz) for the future operation at ELBE. A photo cathode preparation system was developed and installed. The equipment is now in operation and the first series of Cs2Te photo cathodes have been produced.