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WEPPH053 |
Non-Destructive Single-Shot 3-D Electron Bunch Monitor with Femtosecond-Timing All-Optical System for Pump & Probe Experiments
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- H. Hanaki, H. T. Tomizawa
JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken
- T. Ishikawa
RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
We are developing a 3-D electron bunch monitor based on EO sampling, using yearlong stable femtosecond laser source of SPring-8 RF gun. Our developing single-shot bunch monitor can characterize the 3-D (both longitudinal (1D) and transverse (2D)) distribution and position of an electron bunch with femtosecond resolution. This non-destructive monitor can be used as an electron energy chirping monitor in a dispersive region for X-FEL commissioning. The probe laser for spectral decoding EO sampling is prepared as radically polarized and completely linearly chirped broad-bandwidth (~500nm) supercontinuum. EO-probe is made of 8 EO-crystals with assembling each EO-optical axes along radial beam axes. The probe lineally chirped laser is longitudinally sifted in 8 transverse sectors for spectral decoding. We are planning to use organic polymer film as a femtosecond resolution EO-probe instead of crystals. This 3-D bunch monitor with spectrograph detects and analyzes the wake filed of electron bunches as longitudinally spectral decoding and transversely multi-pole expansion. In addition, we are developing all-optical system for femtosecond-timing pump & probe experiments. The EO-sampled probe laser pulse will use as a femtosecond-timing signal pulse. This signal pulse is amplified with a NOPA (noncollinear optical parametric amplifier), using an SHG of Yb fiber laser as a pump laser.