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WEPPH005 |
Magnet Sorting for the European XFEL Hybrid Undulator - Comparing Study
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- B. Faatz, J. Pflueger, Y. Li
DESY, Hamburg
Current permanent magnet material quality is insufficient to obtain field qualities in undulators, which satisfy FEL requirements. Therefore position and orientation of magnets have to be carefully chosen in order to obtain mutual cancellation of field errors. In this paper we compare two different sorting schemes, simulated annealing and a straight forward paring method. They are applied to a 5m prototype structure built for the European XFEL facility. The algorithms of these two methods are described in detail and the sorting results and the expected field qualities are carefully compared.
WEPPH006 |
Study of Undulator Deformation Tolerance for the European XFEL
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- B. Faatz, J. Pflueger, Y. Li
DESY, Hamburg
The undulators for the European XFEL use NdFeB type permanent magnets. Even for perfect magnet material, the undulator quality degrades due to mechanical limitations, such as girder deformation, and temperature variation. Since the beam orbit can always be corrected, the main effect will be a variation in slippage between electrons and photon beam along the undulator. A careful estimation of the error budget is needed to avoid cost driving hardware efforts. We modeled deformation, gap variation and temperature error and used GENESIS to simulate the effect on the performance of the European XFEL.
Operational Experience of FLASH
- B. Faatz, S. Schreiber
DESY, Hamburg
- K. Honkavaara
Uni HH, Hamburg
Since summer 2005 the free electron laser FLASH at DESY is operating as a user facility. It produces 10 fs long laser like pulses from the vacuum ultraviolet to the soft X-ray wavelength range. Many successful user experiments have been carried out with this world wide unique facility. In this paper we report on operational issues of the facility.