Paper | Title | Page |
THAAU03 | Experimental Study of Volume Free Electron Laser Using a "Grid" Photonic Crystal with Variable Period | 496 |
Electrodynamical properties of a crystal-like artificial periodic structure (photonic crystal) formed by a periodically strained metallic threads were studied both theoretically and experimentally*,**. In the present paper operation of Volume Free Electron Laser using a "grid" photonic crystal with variable period is experimentally studied. Dependence of the generation threshold on photonic crystal length is investigated along with the frequency characteristics of generated radiation.
* Baryshevsky V. G. et al. NIM section B. Vol252 (2006) P.92-101 ** Baryshevsky V. G. et al. Proc. of the 28th FEL Conference PP.331-338 |
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