Paper | Title | Page |
WEAAU05 | A Compact Electron Spectrometer for an LWFA | 294 |
The use of a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) beam as a driver for a compact Free-Electron Laser (FEL) has been proposed recently. A project is underway at Argonnne National Laboratory (ANL) to operate an LWFA in the bubble regime and to use the quasi-monoenergetic electron beam as a driver for a 3-m long undulator for generation of sub-ps UV radiation. The Terawatt Ultrafast High Field Facility (TUHFF) in the Chemistry division provides the 20 TW peak power laser. Towards this goal, a compact electron spectrometer whose initial fields of 0.45 T provide energy coverage of 30-200 MeV has been selected to characterize the electron beams. The system is based on the Ecole Polytechnique design* used for their LWFA and incorporates the 5-cm long permanent magnet dipole, the LANEX scintillator screen located at the dispersive plane, a Roper Scientific 16-bit MCP-intensified CCD camera, and a Bergoz ICT for complementary charge measurements. Test results on the magnets, the 16-bit camera, and the ICT will be described, and initial electron beam data will be presented as available.
*Y. Glinnec et al., "Broadrange Single Shot Electron Spectrometer", Report dated July 6, 2006, Ecole Polytechnique. |
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