Paper | Title | Page |
MOPPH064 | A Project of SC ERL at KAERI | 160 |
A project of an ERL at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is described. The ERL will be connected to the existing machine without any modification. It consists of two 180° bents and two straight sections: one is for an FEL, another for a Compton X-ray source. One can choose the regime controlling the lenses. The total ERL is isochronous to avoid any problem with longitudinal beam instability. It will be possible to control both Sx and Sy transormation matrix elements independently to suppress longitudinal beam instability and allow the increase of beam current. Sextuples will be installed in bents to suppress chromatic aberration. This design provides operation in FEL regime with high electron efficiency in the range of electron energies 1222 MeV. |