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Tamasaku, K.

Paper Title Page
MOPP018 Status of R&D for SCSS Project 75
  • T. Tanaka
    RIKEN Spring-8, Hyogo
  • Y. Asano
    JAEA, Ibaraki-ken
  • H. Baba, T. Bizen, Z. Chao, H. Ego, S. Eguchi, S. Goto, T. Inagaki, S. Inoue, D. Iwaki, K. Kase, Y. Kawashima, H. Kimura, S. Kojima, T. Kudo, N. Kumagai, X. Marechal, S. Matsui, T. Ohata, K. Onoe, Y. Otake, T. Seike, K. Shirasawa, N. Shusuke, T. Takagi, T. Takashima, K. Tamasaku, R. Tanaka, K. Togawa, R. Tsuru, S. Wu, M. Yabashi, S. Yoshihiro
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo
  • T. Fukui
    Kyoto IAE, Kyoto
  • T. Hara, T. Ishikawa, H. Kitamura, T. Shintake
    RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
  • H. Matsumoto
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • S. Takahashi
    LNS, Sendai

Funding: Representing the SCSS project team

SCSS, an acronym of "SPring-8 Compact SASE Source", is an X-ray FEL project under planning to be build at the SPring-8 site. R&Ds for accelerator components such as the pulsed-DC electron gun, C-band main linac, and in-vacuum short period undulator have been performed and almost completed. Before construction of the X-ray FEL facility, a prototype accelerator with the electron energy of 250 MeV is being built to demonstrate the concept of SCSS. In this presentation, status of the R&Ds for each accelerator component will be presented together with an overview of the 250-Mev prototype accelerator.